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Xi 'an Maxstay Impor dan Ekspor Co., Ltd.Bila Anda tertarik pada salah satu item kami setelah Anda melihat daftar produk kami, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami untuk pertanyaan. Anda dapat mengirimkan email kepada kami dan menghubungi kami untuk konsultasi dan kami akan membalas Anda sesegera mungkin.
Media Sosial: Alamat
1606, Blok A, Zhongji Low Earth Orbit Satellite Internet of Things Industrial Park, Jalan Fenghuang, Distrik Guangming, Kota Shenzhen
Leave Your Message
Q1: What are the advantages of Guangdong Maxte?
A: We provide turn-key solutions and strict international product standards.
Q2: Are samples provided?
A: Yes,please contact us to get the sample.
Q3: Do you accept customized products?
A: Yes, we can provide customized services for your product.
Q4: What is the delivery date?
A: We can provide you the specific delivery date based on customized requirement of the product you require.